
Expected learning outcomes

After this masterclass, participants will be more confident managing complex psychiatric disorders that pose difficult clinical and ethical dilemmas and may involve serious risks to patients themselves and to others.

By attending participants will:

  • Learn to deal with narratives and symptoms that provoke unease, eeriness, and horror.
  • Develop strategies to support patients through experiences that are frightening, repulsive, and distressing.
  • Learn to distinguish between dissociation, denial and psychosis.
  • Understand the concept of countertransference and better master their own unconscious anxieties, biases, and triggers when dealing with patients. 
  • Improve their risk assessment skills.

Programme can be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.

DAY 1 Thursday 20 February 2025

SESSION 1: Thursday morning: When things are not quite right – creepy feelings explained

Chair: Jessica Yakeley

Teaching time Topic
08.30 09.00 Registration
09.00 09.05 Welcome (Ursula Werneke)
09.05 10.20 75 min Opening lecture and Case presentation 1: A brief introduction to the Uncanny: Encounters with the uncomfortably strange and the strangely uncomfortable. (Julian Stern)
10.20–10.50  Fika / Coffee break
10.50 11.50 60 min Case presentation 2: Dissociation and denial: The woman who let her adolescent son die of starvation (Cleo van Velsen)
11.50 12.00 10 min Thoughts and reflections
12.00–13.00  Lunch

SESSION 2: Thursday afternoon: Skeletons in the cupboards

Chair: Cleo van Velsen

Teaching time Topic
13.00 14.00 60 min Playing with the uncanny: Understanding and making the most of countertransference phenomena (Joram Ronel)
13.45 15.30 90 min Tales from the Edge: An unusual case of bodily distress syndrome – Therapy Lab No. 1 (Joram Ronel/ Judith Gorgass)
15.30–16.00  Fika / Coffee break
16.00 17.00 60 min Case presentation 3: Hidden aggression and psychosis: A case of double infanticide (Jessica Yakeley)
17.00 17.10 10 min Thoughts and reflections
17.00–17.15  Short break
17.15 18.15 60 min Keynote lecture The good, the bad, and the ugly: Movie portrayals of psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychoanalysis 
19.30 Conference dinner Restaurant Nine/Skybar (separate booking)

DAY 2 Friday 21 February 2025

SESSION 1: Friday morning: Crime and punishment – what makes people criminals

Chair: Joram Ronel

Teaching time Topic
08.05 08.10 Welcome back (Ursula Werneke)
08.10 09.00 50 min Case Presentation 4 Haunted by guilt: The man who was trapped in a pathological psychic retreat (Cleo van Velsen)
09.00 09.50 50 min Case presentation 5: When primitive fantasies meet extreme mindsets. Confessions of a gang criminal (Jessica Yakeley)
09.50–10.20  Fika / Coffee break
10.20 11.10 50 min Doomsday – an experience of the Last Judgement in the treatment of a patient with severe personality disorder” (Boris Dietschi)
11.10 12.00 50 min Talk: The compulsion to repeat and acting out (Julian Stern)
12.00–13.00  Lunch

SESSION 2: Friday afternoon: Behind closed doors – insights into borderline personality disorder

Chair: Julian Stern

Teaching time Topic
13.00 14.30 90 min Behind Closed Doors: Insights into Borderline Personality Disorder – Therapy Lab No. 2 (Joram Ronel/Judith Gorgass)
14.30 14.45 15 min Final thoughts and reflections
14.45 14.50 Close (Ursula Werneke)