
Expected learning outcomes

After this masterclass, participants will be more confident managing acute psychiatric problems that pose difficult clinical and ethical dilemmas

By attending participants will:

  • Learn how to better communicate in difficult situations
  • Develop strategies to handle uncertainty and professional anxiety
  • Understand how to build and maintain constructive therapeutic relationships 
  • Develop ways to cope with conflict and guilt
  • Learn to support patients through major crises such as COVID
  • Develop strategies to deal with paraphilic disorders and violence
  • Understand consciousness and uncertainty from different perspectives

Programme can be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.

DAY 1 Wednesday 14 June 2023

SESSION 1: Wednesday afternoon

Teaching time Topic
12.30 13.00 Registration 
13.00 13.10 Welcome (Ursula Werneke)
Chair: Jessica Yakeley
13.10 14.00 50 min Opening lecture: Case presentation 1: Shame and humiliation (Julian Stern)
14.00 15.30 90 min  “Dealing with the awful” – psychodynamic theory and treatment principles with difficult/challenging/psychosomatic patients (Joram Ronel)

Therapy lab No. 1: I just want this patient to go away    A first encounter with our patient actress (Joram Ronel/Judith Gorgass)

15.30 16.00 Fika / Coffee break
Chair: Ursula Werneke
16.00 17.00 60 min Special Lecture: Is life fundamentally fuzzy? From quantum physics to quantum biology (Jack Tuszyński)
17.00 17.45 45 min The many dimensions of  consciousness: psychiatrists and physicists discuss (Joram Ronel, Julian Stern, Yessica Yakeley, Jack Tuszyński)


DAY 2 Thursday 15 June 2023

SESSION 2: Thursday morning

Teaching time Topic
Chair: Ursula Werneke
08.30 08.40 Day briefing (Ursula Werneke)
08.40 10.10 90 min Case presentation 2: A psychoanalytic view of the psychopath: The man who hated women (Jessica Yakeley)
10.10 10.40  Fika / Coffee break
10.40 11.55 75min Case presentation3 : Uncertainty and obsessionality
Patients who struggle with obsessionality and inhibitions (Julian Stern)
11.55 13.15 Lunch 


SESSION 3: Thursday afternoon

Teaching time Topic
Chair: Ursula Werneke
13.15 15.15 120 min Therapy lab No 2: I just want these symptoms to go away – Psychosomatic/psychotherapeutic work with a Long-Covid patient (Joram Ronel/ Judith Gorgass)
15.15 15.45 Fika / Coffee break
15.45 16.45 60 min Case presentation 4: Who is more dangerous? Psychopathic/narcissistic versus antisocial impulsive personalities (Jessica Yakeley)
The man who lost his children
The man who killed his neighbour
16.45 16.55 Short break
16.55 17.45 50 min Bring your case: Live supervision from the faculty (Delegates with Joram Ronel, Julian Stern, Yessica Yakeley)
19.30 Dinner at  Restaurant Nine, Clarion Hotel Sense


DAY 3 Friday 16 June 2023

SESSION 4: Friday morning

Teaching time Topic
Chair: Ursula Werneke
08.15 08.20 5 min  Day briefing (Ursula Werneke)
08.20 09.50 90 min Therapy lab No. 3: “Let’s act!” – Bringing to life your case/patient at Masterclass Psychiatry (Joram Ronel/ Judith Gorgass)
09.50 10.20  Fika / Coffee break
10.20 11.20 60 min Case presentation 5: Will action follow fantasy? The psychodynamics of paraphilic disorders (Jessica Yakeley)
The man who loved children
The man who exposed himself to the moon
11.20 11.50 30 min  Dealing with uncertainty – a survival guide for psychiatrists in the 21st century (Julian Stern)
11.50 12.00 10 min  Close 