The conference venue, Clarion Hotel Sense, is located in the city centre of Luleå within walking distance of all the recommended and pre-booked hotels.
DAY 1 Thursday
SESSION 1: Thursday morning: 9.00 – 12.00: Telling madness from normality
Chair: Anders Berntsson, Stockholm/Luleå
08.00 | 09.00 | Registration and coffee |
09.00 | 09.10 |
Welcome Ursula Werneke, Luleå |
09.10 | 09.40 |
Mental illness – calling it for what it is Dinesh Bhugra, London |
09.40 | 10.10 |
Delusion, possession and religion Antonio Ventriglio, Foggia |
10.10 | 10.40 | Coffee |
10.40 | 11.10 |
Eating disorders and body image – a transcultural perspective Julian Stern, London |
11.10 | 11.40 |
Outbreak investigation: From folie a deux to mass hysteria Dinesh Bhugra, London |
11.40 | 12.10 |
Case presentation: A patient presenting with depression, pain and PTSD Sofie Bäärnhielm, Stockholm |
12.10 | 12.15 | Discussion |
12.15 | 13.15 | Lunch |
SESSION 2: Thursday afternoon: 13.00-17.15: Treating the brain and healing the mind
Chair: Anders Berntsson, Stockholm/Luleå
13.15 | 13.45 |
In my country, I cry this way. Culture- bound symptoms of distress and psychotherapy Jessica Yakeley, London |
13.45 | 14.15 |
Placebo and cultural responses Antonio Ventriglio, Foggia |
14.15 | 14.45 |
“I have no life if they deport me”. The encounter between mental health services and an asylum-seeking woman who has made a suicide attempt Maria Sundvall, Stockholm |
14.45 | 15.00 | Bring your case |
15.00 | 15.30 | Coffee |
15.30 | 16.30 |
Reducing the stigma of long acting injectables – current concepts and future developments David Taylor, London and Sitaram Velaga, Luleå |
16.30 | 16.40 | Question time psychopharmacology |
16.40 | 16.45 | Short break |
16.45 | 17.20 |
Ideas worth knowing
Rethinking psychiatry |
17.20 | 17.30 | Discussion |
Break | ||
19.30 | Dinner |
DAY 2 Friday
SESSION 3: Friday morning: 9.00 – 12.00: Meeting transcultural challenges with confidence
Chair: Anders Berntsson, Stockholm/Luleå
08.30 | 08.35 | Introduction |
08.35 | 09.05 |
Challenges in ethnopharmacology David Taylor, London |
09.05 | 09.40 |
Assessment for psychotherapy: where do culture, language and social background fit in? Julian Stern, London |
09.40 | 10.10 | Coffee |
10.10 | 10.40 |
Sexuality and mental health – a transcultural perspective Dinesh Bhugra, London |
10.40 | 11.15 |
Pathways to terrorism: the role of extremism, religion and mental health Kamaldeep Bhui, London |
11.15 | 11.45 | Bring your case |
11.45 | 12.00 |
Close and Masterclass 2020 announcement Ursula Werneke, Luleå |
12.00 | Lunch |
Final programme may be subject to change.